About Empath

Roberto Pangondian T
8 min readAug 18, 2021


There is nothing new about labelling one self when is coming to the category that we resonate much for, whether is about lifestyle, interest, work, hobbies the list can go on etc. Thank you the internet that making it easy nowadays to exchange the information for you to easily make sure you fall into specific category, building your skills up, and by making friends, simply building the community based on that. Look like there is a thin place and time bound. What a time to be alive, right? And by sharing the article that the writer and journalist love to share their opinion on so the reader can get the information they want and one of the service is provided by the Medium, I thankful for that too, hey Thanks Medium! Okay that was the intermezzo.

Back to the topic: about the labelling, when is come to the term of ones mental and emotional state of being and knowing which one is being normal or ones was on the healthy state we as a common people can’t diagnose one self and labelling with some mentality issue because we can think from scarcity lenses and not the balance one. That’s why we need to go seek some help from the professional one because they are simply have had so much experienced with whether they might be a conselor, a psychatrist, a doctor the list goes on whatever they called in your area.

There is one not simply about being on this category, because the help from the professional as the external help might not that convincing whether if you are the one or not, or you didn’t resonate with the help, or the help doesn’t put you much on ease. The reasons can go on based on your experience but still I recommend go to one when you really need to ask some important questions.

When there is come to this category list of people you might feel some type of way, whether you fit into the list or not. When you on the first time labelling yourself with this type of condition, you might not wanting goes all tiptoe around it but at the other time you might as one. That’s because you still not sure enough with the source you find on the internet, the book you read, or a even magazine that you bought. And it is go both hand and hand when you still on the surface of finding it. Because from my perspective of being an Empath and from what I can digest; it is all about become reflective and make a feedback to one self based on an experience and moment that you felt afterwards because you are the one who felt it, you are the one who absorb it and make sure you are not making one self on a pity situation after what can endure. Thank God because it is really not that hard realizing you are fall into the category or not but when you didn’t know there is specific people that called ‘the empath’ and you still on the spiralling hole mode, you might find it hard to make it day by day by simply making it or you being on the pilot mode, or even on fight or flight mode. It is really stressfull and I felt that too. Driven by making you my reader feel good and liberate on some level, I’m happy to make the list down below. Before you read make sure you have some focus so you not lose some helpful information on the process.

Disclaimer: Some of the list might trigger you or you might not resonate with, so it is really nice if you take the one benefits you the most. And I consider you already know what Empaths are because the list will go down the specific info after you can recognize one self as one too.

So today I want to brighten your day by making a list about being an empath as my experience on this journey of lifetime based on past event that have had occured and from what i read and hear so far that I consider from this point I really resonate with that much! Ok, let’s check them out.

1. You should know that we empath not only take so much emotions and feeling from the intense moment but also take the suppressed one on the mundane day to day life as normal as it seems:

Yes, people do suppressed their feeling even to the level they don’t like and can’t take it anymore but yet they still doing it with pleasure, smh. The reasons may vary, by simply people can’t communicate, a circumstances, responsibilities, authoritive type of situations that people in, etc. Furthermore, people also don’t recognize how to behave on the specific moments or how to process their reaction and or dissect/ cultivate their words in those specific moments, simply by positioning. That because people really can get confused on a daily or they still can’t figure out what they want and need on the spectrum, even people can also get caught up on saying ‘yes when they want to say no’ to a question or an offer situation. All of the descriptions above of monotony can do harm both to the early stage of recognize one self as an empath, and the one who becoming and embraces their power.

2. You need more extra ‘me time’ than you think :

As a day goes by, empath can get really overwhelm on a daily basis routine or a schedule and yet they still get caught up on the emotions from anywhere inside and at same time become the hostage of it. Sound plausible but it is a shoulder to cry on need moment for an empath. So it is nothing new if you need some of your me time and that’s a great time to reconsider and recharge after whats you’ve been through on a day. Because of that empath casually also falls into the introvert category side more than their brother and sister which is an ambivert and an extrovert. But one thing empath should know we need more ‘me time’ to explore how we can grow as person we wished to be so we can aim the goal that we want because empath also a human, there is no exception. And so by that meaning empath need support from their peer and family surround to expand the understanding that empath fully need. Empath get all of that understanding by communicate their need too. On a add, if we talking about need, aim, and goals as an empath you guys also need a mentor to make your goals bloom the right way or atleast your favorite advisor whether on real life or your favorite medias on internet.

3. It is not the obligations to take every emotions that you may counter on the daily basis :

Yes, please use this as a mindset to go through whatever obstacles that you might stumble upon on or even on the lightest event that you can attend and get along with. And by that make sure it is your mindset now but not only become the ‘cope’ with thing. As the mindset will grow some of boundaries that you never thought you really need before !, as fascinating as it is. Because empath really need boundaries for themselves on daily life matter. But on the other hand the empath really don’t need to abuse boundaries as a word to get up on a day and do the daily routine towards others or something. On the continue the empath can help more people on the way they can achieve and comprehend like other common people can achieve their goals and dreams, as fun as it is ! Keep your head up because the calmer water always waiting for anybody.

4. An empath you easily reserve a seat on ‘people pleasing’ plane:

When is people pleasing word come to a scene there is nothing bad about it or to make an over the top reaction when we can finally digest the pros and the cons. But its a no no when an empath can’t get their life together, lose sight of hope and finally their life falling apart in front the eyes slowly. Of course we don’t want that in this house ! So make sure as an empath we know our healthy level when comes to lend a helping hands and by that maybe you want to start your career based on that area too.

5. An Empath might need to hear some of professional opinion on choosing a career path.

6. An empath you most likely has another spiritual gift that inherited in you, on the higher spectrum we most likely are a medium.

7. This one little bit tricky because not every empath has this quality too. An empath has high curiosity on everything. Because we as an empath we love to get to know almost about everything in life, we also easy to questioned every single thing happen on our life. We are more a critique rather than a people that goes along with the waves of the majority of people used to think or used to/still do.

8. For an empath we must take a serious opinion on choosing a food and intake that we choose to take everyday and juggle more the options. Just a little context on that, because as an empath we also so easy to read and recieve residual energy from food that we are consuming whether we are conscious or not.

9. Empath often also easily fall into more interversion but isn’t mean that empath can’t be also prone more into extroversion. Somehow, believe it or not empath also have strong intuitions, that strong gut feeling about certain people, conditions and circumstances on their life. But empath also often ignore this ‘little nudge’ because the difference consciousness that we have as people, different ways of see and look into things, different life experiences, different background, different belief system etc.

10. As a continue from no 4, An empath are easily become no 1 people pleaser right, because of that empath are also easily infused by other people comment on how they should do with their life decisions. We easily stand still on the limb on the pursue of happiness or how doing certain things the right way. Too much overthinking sometimes or even everytime. Or it is just me, because I know as an empath or even as human being at least we have different level of consciousness, we have different set of eyes and minds. The sad part is there’s still so many fellow empath out there that doesn’t aware of their empathness, what is it about and how to navigate in life as an empath. Because of it so many empath choose to cope with the ‘devil’ way. They choose to cope with addictions such as drugs, alcohol etc but the worst scenario is an empath chose to end their life instead. Which is horrible feeling to have. Because of that I want to push this article hoping our fellow empath no longer feel ‘out of place’ than they should felt.

